Meet My Family

Saturday, June 4, 2011 § 0

Like many others from my generation, I come from a dysfunctional family. I realize my situation is much more ideal than many others out there, but there are also some aspects of my family life that are far from normal.

When I graduated college I had no choice but to move back “home.” I first moved in with my mom and her boyfriend, then with my dad and his girlfriend before finally moving in with Chris in his hometown of Toledo.

Moving back home was probably the weirdest and most confusing transition of my life. It was strange getting to know these people I called my parents along with learning their lifestyles. I realized I didn’t really know my parents much at all until I observed how each of them lived from an outsider’s perspective. I decided to document a few ways of life that seemed to be a little out-of-the-ordinary.

My Mother Cindy

She took in a stray cat that happened to be pregnant, and she now owns six cats which roam the neighborhood. Here are two of them.

My old bedroom. She keeps it the same way it looked when I was in high school.

My father Fred

He’s obsessed with German Shepherds. This one is Gracie. She’s vicious and kind of retarded.

He has been renovating his house for about 5 yrs now. This is what the outer progress looks like (the inside is not much better). All of his numerous never-ending projects kind of remind me of the movie “Synecdoche New York.”

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